Issue #5 (of 9) of IN MAPS & LEGENDS is out now!

Issue 5 of IN MAPS & LEGENDS is out and available!

With this issue, we’ve crossed the halfway point. Only four more issues to go! I hope you guys are enjoying the comic and all its twists and turns. We’re hoping to have the final issue, #9, out by October.

If you haven’t yet, go ahead and grab IN MAPS & LEGENDS issue 5 from your favorite digital comics distributor! Let us know what you think. You get 22 full color pages for only $.99.

Stranded on her strange new world, Kait questions a man who seems to hold all the answers. Meanwhile, her friends face inhuman assassins, violent hurricanes, and sudden tidal waves. And a frail old man makes one last, desperate stand against his enemies.

We’re on both Kindle and Nook (in both English and German!), or you can read it on the web or download a PDF. And, of course, we’re still on Comixology and other iOS (or Android! or Windows phone!) apps. Buy it once, read it anywhere.

We’ve been keeping busy in between issues, too.

We wanted to offer new readers a chance to get caught up with our special “combo pack” — a digital bundle of issues 1 through 4 of IN MAPS & LEGENDS.

So instead of downloading issues 1-4 individually and paying $.99 for each, you can buy the collected edition– and save some money!

Right now the special is for just the Kindle (click to buy) and the Nook (click to buy). So if you’re interested in giving comics a try on your ereader, this bundle is a great way to get caught up and save at the same time. And remember, if you’ve got the Kindle or Nook apps on your phone or tablet, you can take advantage of this offer too!