In Maps & Legends #3

Issue #3 (of 9) of IN MAPS & LEGENDS was released just last week!

This issue is somewhat special.
A year ago to the day of this release, writer Mike Jasper and I found out IN MAPS & LEGENDS had won– with all of YOUR votes and support!– the November DC Comics Zuda competition. Just this spring, we launched on the Zuda site, updating a page a week, standard webcomic style… but the imprint was closed only a month or two later, and the majority of the Zuda titles were canceled. Thankfully, all rights were returned to the creators, so we could make the decision to continue our stories as we wished. Only a few of those ex-Zuda comics have made a comeback; IM&L was the first, and in October, War of the Woods released its first issues on Comixology as well. Hopefully there are still more to come!

The Zuda schedule operated in “seasons” of 60 pages. With the 8 competition pages, that left just 52: one page a week for a year.

Well, IN MAPS & LEGENDS issue 3 brings us to the end of that symbolic first season, with the same firey cliffhanger. And we’re half a year ahead of schedule! And unlike the uncertainty of Zuda renewal, you can be sure that you’ll get all 9 issues out of us… hopefully even by this time next year. ;) What a perfect second anniversary that would be.

So! Please take the time to pick up a copy of IN MAPS & LEGENDS issue 3— or even issue 1, if you haven’t had a chance yet! And let me know what you think. Each issue is 22 pages for less than a dollar. Comics is good.

While her friends — along with an unexpected ally — face attackers from the sky, Kait devises a harsh solution to constantly being torn between worlds. But will this new and dying world hold together long enough for Kait to return?

We’re on both Kindle and Nook (in both English and German!), or you can read it on the web or download a PDF. And, of course, we’re still on Comixology and other iPhone (or Android phone! or Windows phone!) apps. Wherever you’re happy, we’re happy.

And thanks again for your support. We wouldn’t have even gotten off the ground a year ago if it weren’t for your votes.