Giving Them Faces

Untitled WIPI’m having a lot of fun with my WIP. I’ve got a growing pile of library books next to my feet, documentaries watched, and a long list of research books still waiting to be checked out and brought home. Quite a few of the documents I’m slogging through are heavy with numbers and graphs, while others offer interviews, giving a human side to the situations I’m exploring. But the books and articles that explore my WIP’s main premise are still a long ways off, a decade or two at least. Nothing to do but watch and see how things develop. It’s all heavy conjecture, right now… and I’ve been diving in head-first. There’s a definite line between intimidating and exhilarating, and I have to tread carefully if I want this to come together the way I think it has the potential to.

But as I’ve been doing research, the rough shape of the story has been coming together: it still could change, and nothing’s in stone, but I’m at least the point where characters are emerging. And I’m so happy to be able to say that! There’s nothing quite like figuring out the faces and postures of a cast. They may not have names yet, but they have birthmarks, histories and personalities. Check out some of the new faces here.

Also, the list of literary agents who represent graphic novels has been updated with Jon Sternfeld of the Irene Goodman Literary Agency. Whether he takes graphic novel queries is unknown, but he represents at least one (signed in April 2009).

One thought on “Giving Them Faces

  1. This last set of sketches are so loose and have so much personality tucked into each face. Really beautiful, I can’t wait to see the finished project!

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