Prepared by: Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Twenty Cuyahoga County artists will receive $20,000 awards and additional support services for their outstanding work and innovation in the field. The Community Partnership for Arts and Culture (CPAC) Board of Trustees ratified and announced the awards today. They based the decision on the recommendation of a seven-member panel of art experts from seven cities outside of Ohio. |
A few weeks ago I was honored to find out that I had been awarded one of the 2011 Creative Workforce Fellowship. After the nominees were ratified by the CPAC Board of Trustees this last Friday, I’m happy to be able to share the news! This is an incredible opportunity given every other year to practicing artists working in craft, design, media and visual arts, and to be a part of it puts me beyond words.

Some Did Rest
While much of my visible comic effort has been focused on IN MAPS & LEGENDS for the past year, I’ve given myself time to focus on other graphic novel works– and one in particular, SOME DID REST, made up the core of my fellowship proposal when I applied this fall. SOME DID REST is a story I’ve been working on for a few years now, a single volume graphic novel inspired by the 2008 earthquakes in China. The gift of the Creative Workforce Fellowship will allow me to travel to the area next summer and see the impact of the catastrophe in ways newspaper articles can’t show.
More about the fellowship:
CPAC Awards more than $400,000 to Cuyahoga County Artists
Creative Workforce Fellowship – List of 2011 Fellows | Artist Bios (PDF)
The Plain Dealer: 20 local artists are awarded $20,000 fellowships
Cleveland Institute of Art Artists Capture 11 CPAC Creative Fellowships
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